Harnessing Independence With Off Grid Solar Systems

Guaranteed No Slavery Panels
Patented technology

The patented technology used in our panels ensures  maximised efficiency – even in low light – which means greater savings for our clients year round.

Save on Bills
Uncompromising Durability

Research shows consumers are 100 times more likely to return a standard panel over a SunPower Panel, a testament to their quality.

40 Years Warranty
Industry’s Best Warranty

The most comprehensive warranties available on the Australian market, with a full 40 Year Warranty and no hidden fine print.

Unlock True Energy Freedom with Advanced Off-Grid Solar Systems Adelaide

Say goodbye to utility bills and hello to sustainable living. At Energy Buster, our cutting-edge solar panels harness the power of the sun to generate clean and renewable energy for your home or business.

With advanced battery storage solutions, you can store excess energy for use during cloudy days or at night. Our expert team of professionals will design a customised system tailored to your specific needs, maximising energy efficiency and cost savings.

Upgrade to sustainable energy with our comprehensive solar panel packages, tailored for efficiency and cost savings.

Embrace the future of energy with our reliable and eco-friendly off grid solar systems. Contact us today for an obligation-free consultation.

Let’s find out what system is right for you:

Off grid solar system

What Are the Best Types of Off Grid Systems?

In Adelaide, the best types of off grid solar systems depend on various factors such as energy needs, available space, and budget. Here are a few popular options:

Photovoltaic (PV) Panels

PV panels are the foundation of any off grid system. They convert sunlight into electricity and come in various sizes and efficiencies.

Battery Storage

To store excess energy generated by solar cells, high-quality battery storage systems are essential. Lithium-ion batteries are commonly used due to their efficiency and longer lifespan.

Hybrid Inverter

A hybrid inverter combines the functions of a solar inverter and battery inverter, optimising energy flow and allowing seamless switching between grid power and battery power.

Learn more about Hybrid Systems

Backup Generator

In some cases, a backup generator can be integrated into the off grid system to provide additional power during extended periods of low sunlight or high energy demand.

What Factors Affect Off Grid Solar System Cost?

The cost of in Adelaide can vary depending on several factors such as:

  • Site Structure
  • Environmental Surrounds
  • Aesthetics
  • Expected Performance

The other factors include the size of the system, the quality of components, and any additional features or equipment required.

Consider any available government incentives or rebates that may help offset the cost of installing an off grid solar system.

Off Grid Solar Benefits

✔ Energy Independence: By generating your own electricity, you become less reliant on the traditional power grid, providing greater energy independence and reducing your vulnerability to power outages or price fluctuations.

✔ Cost Savings: Off grid solar systems help you save money in the long run by significantly reducing or eliminating electricity bills. You can generate free, renewable energy from the sun and store excess power for use during periods of low sunlight.

✔ Environmental Sustainability: Off grid systems are a clean and green energy solution. They produce electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or contributing to air pollution, helping to combat climate change and reduce your carbon footprint.

✔ Remote Access: Off grid systems are particularly beneficial for remote or rural areas where connecting to the grid may be difficult or expensive. They provide access to electricity in locations that are off the traditional power infrastructure.

✔ Flexibility and Scalability: Off grid systems are modular and can be tailored to meet your specific energy needs. They can be easily expanded or upgraded in the future if your energy requirements change.

✔ Long-Term Investment: Installing an off grid system is a long-term investment. The panels have a lifespan of 25 years or more, and with proper maintenance, the system can provide reliable power for decades.

Off Grid System Installation Process

The installation process for an off grid solar system in Adelaide typically involves several steps:

Consultation and Assessment: A reputable provider will conduct an initial consultation to understand your energy needs, site conditions, and any specific requirements. They will assess your location for the potential and evaluate the feasibility of an off grid system.

System Design: Based on the assessment, the provider will design a customized off grid system that suits your energy requirements. This includes determining the appropriate panel capacity, and battery storage capacity, and selecting the necessary components.

Permits and Approvals: The provider will handle the necessary permits and approvals required for the installation. This may include obtaining approvals from local authorities or utility companies, depending on the regulations in Adelaide.

Installation: Once the design is finalised and permits are obtained, the installation process begins. This involves mounting the panels on your roof or ground-mounted racks, installing the battery storage system, and connecting the necessary wiring and components.

Electrical Work: A licensed electrician will handle the electrical connections, ensuring the safe and proper integration of the off grid system with your property’s electrical system.

System Testing and Commissioning: After the installation is complete, the system will undergo thorough testing to ensure proper functioning and performance. This includes checking the connections, testing the battery storage, and verifying the system’s energy production.

Monitoring and Maintenance: Once the system is operational, it’s important to regularly monitor its performance and conduct routine maintenance. This includes checking the panels for cleanliness, inspecting battery health, and ensuring overall system efficiency.

If you think that purchasing panels is the right thing for you, then the next step is to decide on the best brand and system size. Get in touch with us by either calling us on (08) 7120 6377 or by filling out our fast free quote form.


Free Report

8 Things You Must Know Before Purchasing Solar Panels!

Frequently Asked Questions About Off Grid Solar Systems in Adelaide

Yes. It is possible to go off grid in South Australia. South Australia has abundant sunshine, making it an ideal location for generating solar energy. Going off-grid involves installing a solar power system with sufficient capacity to meet your energy needs and incorporating battery storage to store excess energy for use during periods of low sunlight or at night.

However, it’s important to note that going off grid is a significant decision that requires careful planning and consideration. It involves assessing your energy requirements, evaluating the cost of installing and maintaining an off grid system, and ensuring you have the necessary permits and approvals from local authorities.

The number of batteries needed to go off grid depends on various factors, including your energy consumption, the capacity of the batteries, and your desired level of energy autonomy. To determine the number of batteries required, you need to consider your daily energy usage, the battery storage capacity, and the depth of discharge (DOD) of the batteries.

The formula to calculate the number of batteries is as follows:

Number of batteries = (Daily energy usage) / (Battery capacity * DOD)

For example, if your daily energy usage is 10 kWh, and you have batteries with a capacity of 5 kWh and a DOD of 50%, the calculation would be:

Number of batteries = 10 kWh / (5 kWh * 0.5) = 4 batteries

This calculation assumes that you want to discharge your batteries to 50% to maximize their lifespan. However, the specific battery capacity, DOD, and energy requirements may vary, so it’s recommended to consult with a solar provider or energy professional who can conduct a detailed assessment and design a system that meets your specific needs for going off grid.

An off grid solar system can last for several decades with proper maintenance and care. The lifespan of different components within the system may vary, but here are some general guidelines:

Solar Panels: High-quality panels typically have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years or even longer. However, their efficiency may gradually decline over time, usually at a rate of around 0.5% to 1% per year.

Battery Storage: The lifespan of batteries used in off grid systems depends on various factors, such as battery chemistry, depth of discharge, and maintenance. Generally, lithium-ion batteries, which are commonly used, can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years or more, depending on their usage and maintenance.

Inverter: Inverters, which convert the DC power from the panels into usable AC power, typically have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. However, it’s important to note that inverters may require replacement or maintenance during the lifespan of the solar system.

Other Components: Other components in the system, such as charge controllers, wiring, and mounting structures, are designed to last for a similar duration as the panels or batteries, but their lifespan may vary depending on the quality of materials and installation.

Regular maintenance and monitoring of the system, including cleaning the panels, checking battery health, and ensuring proper operation of the components, can help extend the lifespan of an off grid solar system.

The number of panels you need for an off grid solar system depends on your energy consumption and the capacity of the panels you choose. To determine the number of panels required, you should consider your average daily energy usage, the capacity (in watts) of the panels, and the average daily sunlight hours in your location.

Here’s a general formula to estimate the number of panels needed:

Number of panels = (Daily energy usage) / (Panel capacity * Sunlight hours)

For example, if your daily energy consumption is 10 kWh, and you have 300-watt panels, with an average of 5 hours of sunlight per day, the calculation would be:

Number of panels = 10 kWh / (0.3 kW * 5 hours) = 6.67 panels

In this case, you would need approximately 7 panels to meet your daily energy needs. Keep in mind that this is a simplified calculation, and other factors such as panel efficiency, shading, and system losses should also be considered.